Thursday, October 30, 2014

September 2014

September was fall/winter planting time. We planted Elbon Rye and naked oats, then intercropped sugar snap peas and fava beans. I used the 71 Flex planter for the favas and broke the seed cap. Favas are way to big for that planter. Should have used the drill.

The old Allis Chalmers All Crop Drill did a superb job on everything else. I could have set it up to drop everything, Including the favas and done it all in one pass.

We can make two winter crops in our zone. One planting in September, harvest in November. The next planting in December, harvest in March. We will then let the grain grow on out and harvest in June. Winter bean / pea crops are: sugar snap peas, English peas, snow peas, and fava beans. Green beans are an option for fall, September - November. 60 day southern peas have a chance to make as well.

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